pressure group

美 [ˈpreʃər ɡruːp]英 [ˈpreʃə ɡruːp]
  • n.压力集团(向政府和公众施加影响的团体)

复数: pressure groups

pressure grouppressure group


a group of people who try to influence the government and ordinary people's opinions in order to achieve the action they want, for example a change in a law

the environmental pressure group ‘Greenpeace’


pressure group


  • 1
    N-COUNT (为说服政府或其他权力机关而组织的)压力集团
    A pressure group is an organized group of people who are trying to persuade a government or other authority to do something, for example to change a law.

    ...the environmental pressure group Greenpeace.



a group of people who try actively to influence legislation
Synonym: lobby third house


  1. It will remain as a pressure group , but no longer has any pretension to be a political party .


  2. They were up against a powerful pressure group .


  3. Most scientists who can present evidence of an environmental threat can reasonably assume that a pressure group will take up the issue


  4. They have no pressure group working on their behalf .


  5. They tried to organize themselves into a really effective pressure group .


  6. As a special professional group , prison police is also a " pressure group " .


  7. The first between-subject factor included two levels , having time pressure group and no time pressure group .


  8. The pressure group is pushing for a ban on GM foods .


  9. A pressure group whose interests were quite distinct from those of the workers they employed .


  10. A rank-and-file pressure group ; political candidates seeking rank-and-file support .


  11. His lifetime rating from the Club for Growth , a conservative pressure group , is currently 78 % ;


  12. Several other stadiums under construction are equally pointless , says the Danish pressure group play the game .


  13. We use pressure group theory of the new political economics to state the difficulty of the reform of monopoly industry from the pressure group perspective .


  14. The intermediate pressure group , the high pressure group , the extremely high pressure group of university teachers respectively are 33.3 % , 33 % and 9.6 % ;


  15. Mr Davies says working with companies leaves the pressure group more time to spend on issues such as privacy concerns in India and China .


  16. The project has already been strongly criticised by associations like Privacy International , a pressure group which has launched legal action against the IT company .


  17. The pressure group Action on Smoking and Health claims that the exhaled vapor contains a " deadly " substance , nicotine .


  18. WiredChild , a UK pressure group , said the implications for children – not included in the Interphone study – were serious .


  19. For example etc , a pressure group based in Toronto , is particularly concerned about corporate exploitation of what it calls " extreme genetic engineering " .


  20. Results Positive correlation is expressed between the level of kidney trauma and the variation of microdose albumin in the high blood pressure group patients and diabetes group patients .


  21. Instead , couples should be striving to " enjoy a greener romance " - at least according to a pressure group in Wales .


  22. The Institute for Justice , a free-market pressure group , argues that this is only the beginning of the Raj 's sins .


  23. The prevalence of stroke and coronary heart disease ( CHD ), DM , overweight and obesity in hypertension group were higher than that in normal blood pressure group .


  24. That experience and his previous stint as a press officer for the Lib Dems and the Britain in Europe pressure group could now come in useful .


  25. Geoffrey Crothall , a spokesman for the pressure group China Labor Bulletin , said at the time that Foxconn workers were becoming increasingly emboldened .


  26. Methods Ninety seven patients were randomly divided into low pneumoperitoneal pressure group and high pneumoperitoneal pressure group , the change of hepatic function of both groups after operation was observed .


  27. Sources close to the company said it had held talks with United Against Nuclear Iran , an American pressure group which had called on Huawei to pull out of Iran .


  28. IL-6 in plasma and CSF in cranial high pressure group were higher than the group of normal cranial pressure ( P < 0.05 , P < 0.01 ), especially in CSF .


  29. Nearly three years ago , a Haikou-based pressure group believed it had secured around 825 acres of this land to establish a forest park that would help promote environmental awareness .


  30. A conservative pressure group he started , the Hermanator 's Intelligent Thinkers Movement ( HITM & get it ?), has not had much of an impact .
